Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Other physical signs of type 2 diabetes .

Long term type 2 diabetes symptoms include abnormal thickening of the basement membrane of capillaries present all over the body. This is an effect normally seen in ageing population, however, in diabetics its impact is seen as micro-angiopathy in kidneys retina and nervous system. This results in symptoms like dizziness, abdominal fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, incontinence, anhydrosis and impotency. There may also be chronic and perforating ulcers in feet and painless arthropathy known as Charcot’s joints as also some muscle weakness and muscle wasting.

Other physical signs of type 2 diabetes may involve loss of tendon reflexes in lower limbs, diminished vibration sense causing impairment of the limbs. Skin lesions like carbuncles, spotted leg syndrome, fungal infection on skin and mucous membrane that is contaminated by glucose and infection of external genitalia are also some of the symptoms of this disease. Women patients may experience loss of fertility and libido. Another disorder known as hepatomegaly is caused in type 2 diabetes patients on account of fat and glycogen infiltration. A very rare but still observed sign is onset of coma.

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