Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Diabetes and diet.

The onset of diabetes is accompanied by several heath complications related to digestive organs. But diabetes demands intake of food in small quantities during frequent intervals. This puts a lot of strain on the digestive system. Especially with age, the digestive system loses its power gradually. Under these circumstances, consuming vegetable and fruit juices help a lot. Moreover, they provide the much-needed raw food supplements that help in keeping the metabolic enzymes of the body active. For those with digestive problems, if fruits and vegetables are consumed in the solid form, it may not get digested properly and hence the nutrition in these items may not get fully absorbed by the body. So juicing is the best way to derive the maximum out of raw food.

Every vegetable provides different nutrient for the body. A balanced diet should consist of all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. But it is not possible to consume different varieties of vegetables at a time. However, juicing makes it possible to consume different vegetables at a time without loading up the stomach. A glass of juice contains more nutrients and variety than eating in raw form. But any juice loses its nutrient value if it is stored for a long time in refrigerator. The best results come out of drinking fresh juices.

Many vegetables like asparagus, cabbage and pumpkin contain plant insulin, which, although different from the insulin produced by the human body, can be used to transport the glucose to the cells. In a way it acts as an artificial carrier of glucose, which is all that insulin has to do. Juicing has an added advantage in that it is possible to quantify accurately the daily intake and chart the calculations. There is no fear of over-eating as in the case of consuming in solid form. Also tabs can be kept on the consumption level and the corresponding glucose level and the intake can be adjusted accordingly.

In this day and age, we want everything to be quick. We expect even the food we eat to be ready-to-eat. Most of the read-to-eat junk is unhealthy. But juicing dispenses this concept of unhealthy read-to-eat food. If it is not possible to set an elaborate breakfast with multiple varieties of vegetables, there is no need to worry. Juices provide the same benefits as consuming the solid form of food. It is fast, healthy and what more? It helps in fast digestion.

If raw vegetables make you cringe then add some healthy herbs to improve the taste. Green leafy vegetables yield the best results on juicing. There are several cookbooks with recipe to make vegetable juices delicious in a healthy manner. Variety is the key here. Consuming the same vegetable everyday will leave you under-nourished. Variety of vegetable provides all the nutrients needed in balanced quantity.

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