Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Diabetes Facts.

Most diabetics die from heart attacks not diabetes. Insulin slowly eats away major arterial linings. Added to insulin is high blood sugar levels which harm your smaller blood vessels and nerve endings.

That’s why diabetes causes millions of people to suffer the loss of quality of life. Thanks to discoveries in the new science of natural medicine there are natural diabetes treatments.

When cell membranes health fails because of missing nutrients and minerals, protein receptors lose ability to detect insulin. This can trigger a build up of excess insulin in Type 2 diabetics. Healthy cell membranes detect smaller amounts of insulin and respond by taking up the blood sugar that insulin delivers for cellular fuel.

When cell membrane health suffers from under-nutrition the pancreatic Beta cells have to make extra insulin. Insulin is a hormone that delivers sugar from the blood to the cell membrane.

Nutrient deficient cell membranes which become insulin resistant, lead to Pre-diabetes and Type 2 sufferers. Over time producing extra insulin strains the pancreas weakening the beta cells . . . eventually triggering Type 1 diabetes.

There are natural diabetes treatments where if we nurture the cell environment with the right care, they can heal themselves.

Genetics have no direct relationship with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Genes are really controlled by cell membrane receptors (proteins) that depend on
specific micro-nutrients and trace minerals.

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