Monday, April 5, 2010

The honest facts about type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that will have serious consequences if left unchecked. Managing it effectively involves cutting back on the things we enjoy that are also bad for us. It’s a fact of life that this is the only way to go … get well quick cures are just money-making fantasies out to gaff gullible people.

Let’s face it. America is obsessed with health and longevity and the rest of the West isn’t far behind. The health industry cottoned onto this fact ages ago and are making squillions … when last did you see a doctor with a battered second hand car?

The worst of all are the neo-medical wannabees who clog our emails and airtime with news of the latest and greatest in cute cures that they just happened to stumble on, and are now offering at allegedly ridiculous prices to little old you and me.

Fact Number 1: There is NO QUICK FIX for type 2 diabetes

Think about it. If this were possible there’d be no fat or overweight people left, and the government would change Diabetes Week into a public holiday for people living with in-growing toenails.

Fact Number 2: Handling type 2 diabetes is a WAY OF LIFE, not an early grave

Managing a diabetic problem is one of the simplest things around. You literally just have to eat natural, fresh foods and your more healthy life will follow. Your will lose weight!

Fact Number 3: There are MANY ADDITIONAL BENEFITS to a healthy lifestyle

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to spot the connection … the selfsame things that control type 2 diabetes are good news all round for the rest of your body too! That’s because you’ll also be improving your cardiovascular health, reducing your risk of cancer, and maybe even getting back your youthful looks that used to drive the little boys or little girls wild.

And those are the honest facts about type 2 diabetes, delivered in plain English directly to your personal computer at no charge whatsoever. I hope I’ve provided you with enough information to spot the many fantasies that abound on the web … anybody punting a miracle cure is just as likely to be after your hard earned cash, and maybe even fishing for your banking details.

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