Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cut the risk of diabetes.

According to researchers at the Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, say they found that brief but intense exercise every day or two may help reduce the risk of diabetes. People with higher than average risk for type 2 diabetes are those who are overweight and people who are not physically active.

Type 2 diabetes — where people gradually lose the ability to use insulin, a hormone crucial to converting glucose into energy — accounts for most cases. It’s increasing at epidemic proportions as Americans get older, fatter and less active.

The researchers found that people can reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 50%, simply by accumulating one hour of moderate physical activity per day. This exercise can be incorporated into daily life as easily as walking up and down the stairs at work or by commuting via bicycle.

The researchers note that moderate exercise, exemplified by brisk walking, accumulated throughout the day, can lower risk of type 2 diabetes in women by nearly 50 percent.

The activity can come from a variety of sources throughout the day: walking to the bus stop in the morning, taking the stairs at work, or running errands.

Physical activity helps to reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes two different ways. The first, Physical activity often reduces bodyweight. Overweight is related to a higher risk of diabetes, so losing weight cuts risk. Secondly, physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to make better use of its own insulin.

Exercise adds life to your years! It will not only keep you in shape, but you will feel better and enjoy life more. As well as the many benefits mentioned above, by keeping you fit, exercise will help you stay more independent.

Diabetics should be forewarned that ...

they should never perform exercise during the time that their insulin level is at its peak. The ideal time for a diabetic to exercise is when their blood glucose level is between 100 to 200 mg/dl or about thirty to sixty minutes after meals. They should also avoid exercising when their blood glucose is above 250 mg/dl and ketones are present in the urine.

There are metabolic effects that occur with exercise that type 1 and type 2 diabetics should be aware of. In the case of type 1 diabetes, glucose control can be compromised if proper adjustments are not made in food intake or insulin administration. People with type 2 diabetes who take oral hypoglycemic medications may be at risk of post-exercise hypoglycemia.

Here are some general guidelines that may assist in regulating the glycemic response to exercise in persons with type 1 diabetes.

1. Metabolic control before exercise: Avoid exercise if fasting glucose levels are greater than 250 mg/dl and ketosis is present. Eat added carbohydrates if glucose levels are less than 100 mg/dl.

2. Blood glucose monitoring before and after exercise: identify when changes in insulin of food intake are necessary. Learn the blood glucose response to different exercise conditions.

3. Food intake: Consume added carbohydrates as needed to avoid hypoglycemia. Carbohydrate-based foods should be readily available during and after exercise.

People with type 1 diabetes who do not have complications and are in good blood glucose control can perform all levels of exercise, including leisure activities, recreational sports, and competitive sports. To do this safely, the diabetic must posses the ability to collect self monitored blood glucose data while exercising and use this data to adjust their insulin and nutritional therapy.

Exercise can increase the risk for hypoglycemia in people with type 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia during exercise of forty minutes or less is rare. Onset of hypoglycemia is more likely to occur after exercise, often four to ten hours after. Blood glucose levels should be monitored at one to two hour intervals after exercise to assess response to the exercise and allow for adjustments in insulin and food intake.

Control of diabetes .

Step 2 in properly controlling the effects of your diabetes is a regular exercise routine. Any type of exercise is a good thing and if you do nothing more then go for regular walks you are off to a good start. As you progress and your health improves and your diabetes comes under control you can add to your routine if you wish. Join a gym, go for bike rides, yoga, aerobics, or any other physical activity you enjoy are all good ways to add variety to your program.

The complications caused by type 2 diabetes can be easily managed and avoided by following a sensible type 2 diabetic diet plan and exercise program. By making these simple lifestyle changes and staying healthy you can control your diabetes and live your life to the fullest.

Diabetic diet and exercise.

For adults diagnosed with adult onset type 2 diabetes most health care professionals agree that the best way to control its effects are with a type 2 diabetic diet and exercise. Although some people are genetically predisposed to contracting diabetes most cases are caused by poor lifestyle choices centered around bad diet, obesity, and a lack of exercise. Reversing the damage caused by years of un-healthy living is hard to do but if the specter of type 2 diabetes is looming over your long term health it is vitally important to change the way you live to best control the long term consequences that diabetes is known for.

Since both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are major health issues it is important to consult you doctor before starting any new diet or exercise plan. Your doctor can get you started in the right direction and recommend a dietician who specializes in the type 2 diabetic diet. The dietician can help taylor a customized diabetic meal plan to your specific needs. There will be foods that are for the most part off limits but in most cases moderation is the key to combating this disease and the health issues it is directly responsible for.

Probably the biggest dietary change for the type 2 diabetic is cutting sugar and simple carbohydrates out of their diet. Sodas, candy, and baked goods are to be avoided because they pose the greatest threat to the diabetic; hyperglycemia otherwise known as high blood sugar.

Instead of the empty calories to be found in high sugar and processed foods you should eat a diet of nutrient rich foods that provide the necessary health benefits that only they can provide. Fruits, vegetables, and protein from lean meats and nuts are a good place to start with a type 2 diabetic diet. These foods and others provide a good mix of nutrients including complex carbohydrates which provide you with a steady supply of energy throughout the day and keep your blood sugar levels consistent.

The other important aspect of the diet for those with type 2 diabetes is how often you eat during the day. Instead of eating two or three big meals you need to be eating five or six smaller meals throughout the day. This helps avoid the big blood sugar spikes that are associated with eating big meals. Eating smaller meals will keep you blood sugars at a steady level which is easier to control.

Diabetes signs and symptoms.

Early signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes include not so serious cases of chronic fatigue, overall weakness in the patient and malaise (uneasy feeling). The most pronounced symptom of patients suffering from this disease is excessive thirst and fluid intake and frequent urination. Since increased glucose levels tend to drain away all the water from the body, the patient is dehydrated very often and has the urge to drink a lot of fluids thus leading to frequent urination.

Eyesight goes blurred due to change in refraction in the lens leading to myopia caused due to change in osmotic balance on account of higher glucose levels. Also patients are known to have increased appetite. The patients are lethargic and face excessive bowel movements and itchy external genitalia. Other symptoms may include polydypsia, polyuria, nocturia, tiredness, prurtis vulva, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and parasthesiae of limbs.

Other physical signs of type 2 diabetes .

Long term type 2 diabetes symptoms include abnormal thickening of the basement membrane of capillaries present all over the body. This is an effect normally seen in ageing population, however, in diabetics its impact is seen as micro-angiopathy in kidneys retina and nervous system. This results in symptoms like dizziness, abdominal fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, incontinence, anhydrosis and impotency. There may also be chronic and perforating ulcers in feet and painless arthropathy known as Charcot’s joints as also some muscle weakness and muscle wasting.

Other physical signs of type 2 diabetes may involve loss of tendon reflexes in lower limbs, diminished vibration sense causing impairment of the limbs. Skin lesions like carbuncles, spotted leg syndrome, fungal infection on skin and mucous membrane that is contaminated by glucose and infection of external genitalia are also some of the symptoms of this disease. Women patients may experience loss of fertility and libido. Another disorder known as hepatomegaly is caused in type 2 diabetes patients on account of fat and glycogen infiltration. A very rare but still observed sign is onset of coma.

Type 2 diabetic(High blood glucose ).

Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose. The body of a type 2 diabetes patient does not make proper use of insulin and shows insulin resistance. Lower the concentration of insulin lower is the blood sugar transported into cells and stored as energy. This increases the blood sugar levels. This leads to another disorder known as hyperglycemia.

High blood glucose levels normally trigger the pancreas to produce more and more insulin, although this insulin is failed to be utilized by the body. One of the major diagnoses of this disease is by blood tests for insulin that gives high plasma insulin counts as a result. This disease is prevalent in major populations of the developed countries since most of them face obesity. People who are overweight show insulin resistance since the fat interferes with the insulin function.
It is a non-insulin dependent diabetes and it is seen to be independent of the age of the patient. It can occur in both children and adults. Almost in all cases, people suffering from this disease do not show any prominent signs of the onset of the disease and they can go as far as eight years without the disease being diagnosed. Most people are obese at the time of diagnosis; however, it can also develop in patients who are thin but elderly.

There are many causes of this disease amongst which the most frequent cause is excess body weight. Excess body weight in turn is caused by absence of physical activity and intake of fatty foods. Genetic factors also play a major role in bringing about type 2 diabetes in people. Other causes may include low activity level, poor diet, old age (above 45 years), High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels low in the body at about less than 35mg/dl or higher triglyceride levels of above 250mg/dl, high blood pressure, family history of gestational diabetes, previous incidence of impaired glucose tolerance and sometimes race and ethnicity of the people.

Diagnosis diabetes .

When you receive a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes you very quickly start to realize a few things in your life are going to change. It is never easy to alter your lifestyle but you will find it really worthwhile when you see your weight becoming lighter and your blood sugar levels also reducing … the results will be worth it!

Your daily routine will now include:

exercise for thirty minutes
paying more attention to your eating plan. The best idea is to not be obsessive though
eating smaller meals more often, as skipping meals and then eating one really large meal gives you high blood sugar levels, followed by insulin spikes
eating snacks at certain times as this stops you becoming hungry and reaching for high carbohydrate foods
Have you realized it is necessary to remove these foods from your eating plan? These are two food ingredients to always avoid:

1. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. These are the source of trans fats which increase weight gain and actually promote diabetes. They are often found in these foods:

breakfast biscuits
brownie mixes
cake and cake mixes
dinner rolls and dough-nuts
fish sticks and french fries
frozen dinners and frozen pizzas
ice cream and whipped toppings
margarine and other butter substitutes
meals in cans
pork and beans
2. High-fructose corn syrup is often found in these types of foods:

candy and candy bars
cookies and dough-nuts
energy bars
ice cream
jellies and preserves
salad dressings
soft drinks
pork and beans
High-fructose corn syrup raises your insulin levels and increases insulin resistance … just what you don’t want!

What should you eat?

Eating healthy foods means cooking more fresh foods from scratch. Your main goal is to eat real foods just like they would have been eaten by primitive men. Why not add spices and herbs to your meals, they add a lot of flavor and certain herbs help to lower your blood sugar levels.

Talk with your health care provider or a registered practicing dietitian before starting your new eating plan. A suggested healthy eating plan could provide an approximate daily ratio of:

45% carbohydrate … all carbohydrate foods end up as sugar in your blood stream and for that reason it is wise to be careful of the type of carbohydrate you eat. This will help both your weight and blood sugar levels Space your carbohydrates out evenly during your day and include at least one low-GI food with every meal
30% protein … you usually do not need more than 4 to 7 ounces (120 to 200 grams) per day of protein foods. Protein generally should not cover more than 25% of your plate
25% fat … fats and oils in your diet are mainly made up of triglycerides irrespective of whether it is of plant or animal origin. It is recommended polyunsaturated fats constitute less than 10% of your total daily calories, monounsaturated oils, (the good oils) less than 10%, and saturated fats less than 8%. All fats and oils are equally fattening and the most fattening of all foods.
Include plenty of servings of non-starchy vegetables and two pieces of fruit each day to help reduce both your weight and your blood sugar levels.

Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes .

When you receive a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes you very quickly start to realize a few things in your life are going to change. It is never easy to alter your lifestyle but you will find it really worthwhile when you see your weight becoming lighter and your blood sugar levels also reducing … the results will be worth it!

Your daily routine will now include:

exercise for thirty minutes
paying more attention to your eating plan. The best idea is to not be obsessive though
eating smaller meals more often, as skipping meals and then eating one really large meal gives you high blood sugar levels, followed by insulin spikes
eating snacks at certain times as this stops you becoming hungry and reaching for high carbohydrate foods
Have you realized it is necessary to remove these foods from your eating plan? These are two food ingredients to always avoid:

1. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. These are the source of trans fats which increase weight gain and actually promote diabetes. They are often found in these foods:

breakfast biscuits
brownie mixes
cake and cake mixes
dinner rolls and dough-nuts
fish sticks and french fries
frozen dinners and frozen pizzas
ice cream and whipped toppings
margarine and other butter substitutes
meals in cans
pork and beans
2. High-fructose corn syrup is often found in these types of foods:

candy and candy bars
cookies and dough-nuts
energy bars
ice cream
jellies and preserves
salad dressings
soft drinks
pork and beans
High-fructose corn syrup raises your insulin levels and increases insulin resistance … just what you don’t want!

What should you eat?

Eating healthy foods means cooking more fresh foods from scratch. Your main goal is to eat real foods just like they would have been eaten by primitive men. Why not add spices and herbs to your meals, they add a lot of flavor and certain herbs help to lower your blood sugar levels.

Talk with your health care provider or a registered practicing dietitian before starting your new eating plan. A suggested healthy eating plan could provide an approximate daily ratio of:

45% carbohydrate … all carbohydrate foods end up as sugar in your blood stream and for that reason it is wise to be careful of the type of carbohydrate you eat. This will help both your weight and blood sugar levels Space your carbohydrates out evenly during your day and include at least one low-GI food with every meal
30% protein … you usually do not need more than 4 to 7 ounces (120 to 200 grams) per day of protein foods. Protein generally should not cover more than 25% of your plate
25% fat … fats and oils in your diet are mainly made up of triglycerides irrespective of whether it is of plant or animal origin. It is recommended polyunsaturated fats constitute less than 10% of your total daily calories, monounsaturated oils, (the good oils) less than 10%, and saturated fats less than 8%. All fats and oils are equally fattening and the most fattening of all foods.
Include plenty of servings of non-starchy vegetables and two pieces of fruit each day to help reduce both your weight and your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes and diet.

The onset of diabetes is accompanied by several heath complications related to digestive organs. But diabetes demands intake of food in small quantities during frequent intervals. This puts a lot of strain on the digestive system. Especially with age, the digestive system loses its power gradually. Under these circumstances, consuming vegetable and fruit juices help a lot. Moreover, they provide the much-needed raw food supplements that help in keeping the metabolic enzymes of the body active. For those with digestive problems, if fruits and vegetables are consumed in the solid form, it may not get digested properly and hence the nutrition in these items may not get fully absorbed by the body. So juicing is the best way to derive the maximum out of raw food.

Every vegetable provides different nutrient for the body. A balanced diet should consist of all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. But it is not possible to consume different varieties of vegetables at a time. However, juicing makes it possible to consume different vegetables at a time without loading up the stomach. A glass of juice contains more nutrients and variety than eating in raw form. But any juice loses its nutrient value if it is stored for a long time in refrigerator. The best results come out of drinking fresh juices.

Many vegetables like asparagus, cabbage and pumpkin contain plant insulin, which, although different from the insulin produced by the human body, can be used to transport the glucose to the cells. In a way it acts as an artificial carrier of glucose, which is all that insulin has to do. Juicing has an added advantage in that it is possible to quantify accurately the daily intake and chart the calculations. There is no fear of over-eating as in the case of consuming in solid form. Also tabs can be kept on the consumption level and the corresponding glucose level and the intake can be adjusted accordingly.

In this day and age, we want everything to be quick. We expect even the food we eat to be ready-to-eat. Most of the read-to-eat junk is unhealthy. But juicing dispenses this concept of unhealthy read-to-eat food. If it is not possible to set an elaborate breakfast with multiple varieties of vegetables, there is no need to worry. Juices provide the same benefits as consuming the solid form of food. It is fast, healthy and what more? It helps in fast digestion.

If raw vegetables make you cringe then add some healthy herbs to improve the taste. Green leafy vegetables yield the best results on juicing. There are several cookbooks with recipe to make vegetable juices delicious in a healthy manner. Variety is the key here. Consuming the same vegetable everyday will leave you under-nourished. Variety of vegetable provides all the nutrients needed in balanced quantity.

Diabetes Facts.

Most diabetics die from heart attacks not diabetes. Insulin slowly eats away major arterial linings. Added to insulin is high blood sugar levels which harm your smaller blood vessels and nerve endings.

That’s why diabetes causes millions of people to suffer the loss of quality of life. Thanks to discoveries in the new science of natural medicine there are natural diabetes treatments.

When cell membranes health fails because of missing nutrients and minerals, protein receptors lose ability to detect insulin. This can trigger a build up of excess insulin in Type 2 diabetics. Healthy cell membranes detect smaller amounts of insulin and respond by taking up the blood sugar that insulin delivers for cellular fuel.

When cell membrane health suffers from under-nutrition the pancreatic Beta cells have to make extra insulin. Insulin is a hormone that delivers sugar from the blood to the cell membrane.

Nutrient deficient cell membranes which become insulin resistant, lead to Pre-diabetes and Type 2 sufferers. Over time producing extra insulin strains the pancreas weakening the beta cells . . . eventually triggering Type 1 diabetes.

There are natural diabetes treatments where if we nurture the cell environment with the right care, they can heal themselves.

Genetics have no direct relationship with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Genes are really controlled by cell membrane receptors (proteins) that depend on
specific micro-nutrients and trace minerals.

Having type II diabetes ...

...can significantly impact your ability to obtain life insurance with many major insurance companies. Fortunately there are some insurers, that only ask certain questions regarding diabetes and if you can answer no, to those specific questions, then you can actually get a premium that is the same as someone that does not have diabetes. Also, with these insurers, there is no waiting period and the death benefits and cash values are the same as for people that do not have diabetes.

Some Life Insurance Companies Cater to People with Health Problems...

Some insurance companies ask if you have diabetes and if you do, they want to know if you are insulin-dependent or if you use pills. With some of these companies, just having the diagnosis of type II diabetes even if controlled by diet, can cause you to pay much higher premiums and have a waiting period.

Meanwhile, there are better companies that you can obtain coverage through and these types of companies only ask a few general questions about diabetes.

With better companies that you can choose from, the only questions that are asked about diabetes are this... Have you had or been diagnosed with insulin shock? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetic coma? Have you ever had an amputation due to complications of diabetes?

Those are the only three questions that you have to answer with some companies.

My Recommendation: If you have type II diabetes, the best way to obtain the best life insurance policy is going to be by being able to know what questions that each insurance company asks in regards to your disease. This can be done by using a life insurance comparison website that not only provides quotes, but also provides policy details and information that you can use to make a well-informed decision.

How Can I Stop Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body either does not produce insulin or doesn't use it properly. Insulin is the hormone that helps your body use the energy it gets from sugars, starches and other types of food. The result is that your body is not getting the energy it needs and the glucose gets accumulated in your blood causing damage to the organs. Glucose is the main fuel for your body. When there is no insulin to transport glucose to your organs, the blood sugar levels rise.

High blood sugar can directly cause a number of serious problems. Diabetics are at risk of long-term complications, when the blood sugar remains high. When blood sugar is between 150 to 200 mg / dl this can cause dehydration, loss of sugar from the urine, swelling in vital organs, lack of energy and increased risk of infections. This disease can cause damage to all organs, skin, blood vessels, heart, kidney, brain and often it doesn't give any symptoms. When there are obvious symptoms of diabetes, namely increased thirst and appetite, weight loss and frequent urination during the day, then in all probability blood sugar is already too high and may be greater than or equal to 200mg/dl.

There are 2 types of this condition:
Type I or juvenile diabetes, is usually diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. In Type I, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Therefore, people suffering from this condition need treatment for a lifetime. It's much more rare than the Type II, since only 5-10% of people suffer from this form of the disease. The survival of patients with this type is dependent on insulin injections.

Type II or maturity onset diabetes, may occur later in life. Usually, it occurs in people over the age of 40. Insulin does get produced by the body. but can not be used effectively. This is the most common form and about a 90-95% of all cases are cases of diabetes mellitus type II. An important factor in the occurrence of the disease is obesity.

If you are a diabetic you should follow a diet that aims at restoring blood sugar at normal levels. On a daily basis you should consume: vegetables, fresh fruit, low fat milk and yogurt and drinks without sugar.

The best fruit you can eat, especially if you are at the early stages of this disease, is the kiwi, which may very well be the only known anti-diabetic fruit. It would be a good idea to choose organic kiwi fruits because they are rich in minerals.

Type 2 diabetes and cranberry juice.

Why is this important to you? Actually there is no shortage of medical evidence that unsweetened cranberry juice is a good way to treat infections of the urinary tract. Complex polysaccharides found in cranberry juice (and in juices of other bog berries, such as blueberry), coat the lining of your bladder and urethra so bacteria can never "root" and the flow urine simply washes them away.

Many people with diabetes, type 1 and type 2, find when they go for their annual or bi-annual medical check-up, they have a urinary tract infection. Yet they had none of the usual signs which include:

pain and burning when passing urine
frequency of urination and only passing small amounts
cloudy urine... sometimes blood is present
feeling generally "bad" all over... tired, shaky and washed out

By the time you have a fever this indicates the infection has reached your kidneys... usually there is no fever when the infection is in your bladder or urethra.

As you can see, the nature of urinary tract infections is that they can continue unnoticed at low levels for weeks, months, or even years. The bacteria in your urinary tract cause a constant, low level of inflammation that isn't enough for you to mention to your health care practitioner, but it is enough to generate inflammatory proteins that circulate throughout your body.

Uncontrolled blood sugars result in spillover of blood glucose into your urine, and that sugar provides constant nourishment for bacteria. The bacteria can grow into mats and tangles that "hug" the lining of your bladder and urethra so they don't flow out with your urine and this is why they don't get detected in urine tests. And they can pump out just enough of the triggers of inflammation... they encourage the "growth" of belly fat and also hardening of the arteries.

What will help stop low-level bladder infections?

Cranberry juice keeps bacteria from forming colonies. A shot glass of cranberry juice at least once a week may stop in it's tracks any low-level bladder infections. Just be sure you drink real cranberry juice or blueberry juice straight, with no added sugar or aspartame.

A regular dose of berry juice not only will get rid of bladder bacteria, it may even help you control both blood sugar levels and your weight. Try a weekly glass of cranberry juice and see if you can't detect improvement in control of your type 2 diabetes.

diabetes diet-soda .

All type 2 diabetes diet soda drinkers should be aware of the major damage that diet soda can do to your health. Those who have adopted a diabetic diet will usually try to avoid sugar but this can lead to other complications. Diet soda contains aspartame which can cause cancer, according to The Cancer Research Center of the European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy. A long-term study to evaluate the potential cancer effects of aspartame demonstrates the chemical sweetener "induces an increase in lymphomas and leukemia in female rats." Nutra Sweet is used in almost all sweeteners today and this can be dangerous to your cells.

This is just one of many studies that should be of major concern to those on a type 2 diabetes diet. All diet sodas are sweetened with aspartame also known as Nutra Sweet and this can be bad news for your DNA. The beta cells of a diabetic is dying in the pancreas. Studies show that a diabetic is aging at a faster rate than the general population. The death of the beta cells is just the beginning; the remain pancreas cells are often damaged causing possible stomach cancer. One of the amazing things of the study is that it showed that a single soda caused the damage to the cells. A previous study also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of Nutra Sweet to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was accumulative. The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers.

The type 2 diabetic already has cells that are damaged from the diabetes so any product that has been shown to cause cancer this fast should be of serious concern to the diabetic. It must be remembered that artificial sweeteners are not natural. Sugar is a natural product that is converted in the body to carbohydrates. Sugar is the bodies natural way of acquiring energy. A type 2 diabetes diet should be natural and one that emphasizes healing of the pancreas. The death of the pancreas beta cells will result in insulin problems. This will cause circulation problems that can lead to the lose of toes and fingers. Eventually the organs of the body will give out. Recently science has shown that it is possible to heal type 2 diabetes on your own without medication.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

There is a common misconception in a type 2 diabetes diet that sugar causes diabetes. Sugar does not cause diabetes, this was revealed from a study published in Diabetes Care (April 2003). The study confirmed that sugar does not cause diabetes. In this study, researchers analyzed data on nearly 39,000 middle-aged women, all of whom completed a 131-item food questionnaire. Six years later, there were 918 cases of Type 2 diabetes reported. Researchers found no definitive influence of sugar intake on the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

The diabetic or near diabetic has a pancreas problem not a sugar problem. It is due to the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin that a diabetic needs. Sugar is actually a natural nutrient that the body needs to produce energy. Often in the case of disease a certain food is labeled as the enemy. This is wrong and misleading.

Even for those on a type 2 diabetes diet sugar is important. Sugar is a source of carbohydrate, the primary energy source. Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, cellulose, and other compounds. An essential nutrient, carbohydrates are the main source of both quick and sustained energy in the body. All carbohydrates have four calories of energy per gram of weight. As an example, one teaspoon of sugar has 15 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrate.

For the diabetic it important to remember that an elevated sugar level in the body will cause damage. This does not mean that a diabetic does not need sugar, the body needs glucose. Sugar has a bad reputation due to the fact that it provides empty calories but this does not mean that sugar is bad or not needed.

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous illnesses in the world. It is a silent killer of the cells of the body. The number of people with diabetes has grown to record levels. With the disease of diabetes you must take immediate action. The diabetic has cells in the brain and pancreas that are dying faster than a normal healthy person.

The honest facts about type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that will have serious consequences if left unchecked. Managing it effectively involves cutting back on the things we enjoy that are also bad for us. It’s a fact of life that this is the only way to go … get well quick cures are just money-making fantasies out to gaff gullible people.

Let’s face it. America is obsessed with health and longevity and the rest of the West isn’t far behind. The health industry cottoned onto this fact ages ago and are making squillions … when last did you see a doctor with a battered second hand car?

The worst of all are the neo-medical wannabees who clog our emails and airtime with news of the latest and greatest in cute cures that they just happened to stumble on, and are now offering at allegedly ridiculous prices to little old you and me.

Fact Number 1: There is NO QUICK FIX for type 2 diabetes

Think about it. If this were possible there’d be no fat or overweight people left, and the government would change Diabetes Week into a public holiday for people living with in-growing toenails.

Fact Number 2: Handling type 2 diabetes is a WAY OF LIFE, not an early grave

Managing a diabetic problem is one of the simplest things around. You literally just have to eat natural, fresh foods and your more healthy life will follow. Your will lose weight!

Fact Number 3: There are MANY ADDITIONAL BENEFITS to a healthy lifestyle

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to spot the connection … the selfsame things that control type 2 diabetes are good news all round for the rest of your body too! That’s because you’ll also be improving your cardiovascular health, reducing your risk of cancer, and maybe even getting back your youthful looks that used to drive the little boys or little girls wild.

And those are the honest facts about type 2 diabetes, delivered in plain English directly to your personal computer at no charge whatsoever. I hope I’ve provided you with enough information to spot the many fantasies that abound on the web … anybody punting a miracle cure is just as likely to be after your hard earned cash, and maybe even fishing for your banking details.

Your blood sugar level.

Here are some of the hundreds of herbs that can help you regulate your blood sugar levels:

1. Stevia
This herb not only lowers blood sugar levels; it even tastes great. The sweetness in Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Stevia is called a unidirectional herb because it only brings blood sugar levels down, even if they were normal to begin with. For diabetics, using Stevia is a great way to sweeten foods that are bland and to delight the sweet taste buds while accomplishing health goals.

2. Gymnema sylvestris
This herb is amazing! If you have a taste for chocolate … the type of taste that drives you to finish every bit of the entire pound of chocolate, then Gymnema is the herb for you. That’s because if you eat a bite of chocolate, then follow that mouthful with Gymnema herb, the desire to continue eating the chocolate will automatically stop. You won’t finish the pound of chocolate.

Extracts or capsules of Gymnema can lower blood sugar levels and the glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) test results as well.

3. Cinnamon
Not only does cinnamon lower blood sugar levels, it also lowers cholesterol levels in those with type 2 diabetes. You’ll need at least one teaspoon if you’re using the herb from your spice jar, but the extract works a lot better and you don’t need as much.

4. American Ginseng
The herb ginseng contains medicinal constituents called ginsengosides that lower blood sugar levels after you eat a meal. About 2 to 3 grams of the herb can be taken daily, and the best time to take it is 40 minutes prior to a meal or with a meal.

5. Siberian Ginseng
The chemical constituents responsible for blood sugar lowering in Siberian Ginseng are polysaccharides, which are long strings of sugar molecules. Other constituents in the herb boost the immune system. These two characteristics make this herb desirable for diabetics that have problems overcoming infections.

6. Bitter Melon
If a herb is called Bitter Melon, you know that its taste can’t be that great! It’s a good thing that it comes in capsules.

This herb has three medicinal constituents that lower blood glucose levels: charantin, Polypeptide P, and gurmarin. Gurmarin is very similar to bovine insulin in chemical structure.

Type 2 diabetes.

When someone is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, one of the telltale signs is a high fasting blood sugar level. The normal levels are 70 to 110 mg dL (3.9 to 6 mmol/L) or 80 to 120 mg/dL (4.4 to 6.6 mmol/L) depending on the clinical laboratory.

Diabetes medication is not always prescribed for type 2 diabetics. Your medical doctor will decide this based on your case. The higher your fasting blood level, the greater the chance that you will be given prescription medication.

The type of medication that is given to a type 1 diabetic is different than that given to a type 2 diabetic. That’s because the person diagnosed with type 1 diabetes cannot create the quantity of insulin he or she needs … whereas a type 2 diabetic is pumping out more than enough! As a type 2 diabetic, you would never be able to share medication with a a person with type 1 diabetes. Of course, sharing medication is against the law anyway!

Usually type 2 diabetics are given oral medications that are in the category called biguanides. One example of a biguanide is Metformin. These drugs lower blood sugar levels by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by your liver. They also increase the amount of insulin that the muscles in your body recognize as insulin and then use. Metformin is one of the most prescribed medications for type 2 diabetes.

Some health care providers will prescribe medications that stimulate the beta cells of your pancreas to release more insulin. Drugs that are used to do this fall into the category of sulfonylureas and meglitinides. The physician determines whether or not you will need these drugs by examining your insulin levels. It’s possible that your pancreas has been overworked so hard that it’s cells are not capable of producing enough insulin, and if that is the case, that is when he’ll prescribe these medications.

Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes.

We know that there is a gene that is associated with diabetes. We know how to create diabetes in the laboratory animals, how to measure blood sugar control over a three-month period, and what the ideal fasting blood sugar level is. We have better ways to deliver insulin to those via pumps (Type 1 Diabetics) and how to prevent problems in those who still give themselves injections. We know what to look for to identify the complications of diabetes and when to intervene so that these complications don’t become life-threatening.

All these are medical and technological advances but it’s the nutritional advances that are helping diabetics the most. We know that antioxidants quench free radicals that are created during infections, and diabetics are more prone to infections of all types. Scientists told us that cataracts were a result of the excess blood sugar that needed someplace to go. Researchers reported on the Glycemic Index for carbohydrate foods in the 1980s and diabetics learned that all carbohydrates are not equal. We learned that foods containing the most fiber were the ones that delayed the blood sugar rise after a meal. We discovered that certain foods and herbs contained medicinal constituents that had the potential to lower blood sugar levels and that if we consistently ate them, our blood sugar levels could be drastically lower.

What many people have discovered now is that the more that Type 2 Diabetics focus on their diet, the more quickly they can regain control over their blood sugar levels. The result of this is less chance of developing complications such as peripheral neuropathy, dementia, cataracts, infections, high cholesterol, kidney damage and high blood pressure.

Whenever you are starting any type of protocol for beating Type 2 Diabetes, it is really important to start with diet. Reduce the carbohydrate foods that are high on the Glycemic Index (GI) scale. Replace the hydrogenated fat foods with ones rich in healthy fats such as avocados. Stop eating sugar and processed foods and only let foods touch your lips that are wholesome. Take your supplements to insure that you have healthy levels of all nutrients that your body needs. Don’t give your body a reason to have diabetes.

Type 2 diabetics .

are always looking for diets to help them lose weight and lower their blood sugar levels. There has always been a big following of high-protein, high-fat diets for controlling blood sugar levels... especially since they have been popularized by Dr. Richard Bernstein. High-protein, high-fat, meat-based diets have been used by millions of diabetics, both type 1 and type 2, to help keep their blood glucose concentrations under tight control.

The objection to these diets has always been that if you eat all that meat, fish, butter, and eggs, you would have to suffer with high cholesterol. And modern research confirms that particular objection is just plain wrong.

Most of the cholesterol in the human bloodstream does not come from food. The body makes most of it's cholesterol from triglycerides, which can be provided by fatty foods or assembled from glucose. Great big blobs of triglyceride become smaller LDL (bad) cholesterol, and the bulky LDL eventually gets absorbed and turned into HDL (good) cholesterol. So the reality is, eating too many carbs can raise your cholesterol, too.

How Do High Protein, High Fat Diets Work?

These work in such a way that you get so sick and tired of hamburgers, frankfurters, and cold cuts, you just can't eat any more... so you don't give your body the raw materials it could use to make cholesterol. If you keep your blood sugar levels under control, your cholesterol levels will gradually be easier to control, too. The effect takes about six months.

Are Plant Based Diets Better?

There is a better approach than a meat-based diet for controlling both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. A plant-based diet emphasizing fresh foods first, does several things for your body that a meat-based diet cannot.

If the only change you make to your diet is to eat some fresh raw veggies, such as leafy greens and carrots, at the beginning of every meal (including breakfast), you provide a steady flow of fiber to your lower intestines. When the colon detects undigested food, it sends a signal to the pancreas to release a number of hormones.

The pancreas will release a tiny amount of glucagon just to make sure your blood sugars don't go too high. And it will release a larger amount of insulin to make sure the sugars you get from the food are stored.

But because your pancreas is doing this in response to a low-calorie, low-carb food, the net effect is better blood sugar control. If you don't then gobble down a big beefsteak as a chaser to your salad, that insulin is used to transport sugar, not fat.

Eating raw or lightly cooked plant foods offers many of the same benefits as taking the drugs Byetta or Victoza... without the risk of side effects or the quite considerable cost. Avoiding even the slightest hint of carbohydrate on a diet like Dr. Bernstein's keeps blood sugars under control too, but without the variety, flavor, and added nutritional value of fresh vegetables and a small amount of fruit.