Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Having type II diabetes ...

...can significantly impact your ability to obtain life insurance with many major insurance companies. Fortunately there are some insurers, that only ask certain questions regarding diabetes and if you can answer no, to those specific questions, then you can actually get a premium that is the same as someone that does not have diabetes. Also, with these insurers, there is no waiting period and the death benefits and cash values are the same as for people that do not have diabetes.

Some Life Insurance Companies Cater to People with Health Problems...

Some insurance companies ask if you have diabetes and if you do, they want to know if you are insulin-dependent or if you use pills. With some of these companies, just having the diagnosis of type II diabetes even if controlled by diet, can cause you to pay much higher premiums and have a waiting period.

Meanwhile, there are better companies that you can obtain coverage through and these types of companies only ask a few general questions about diabetes.

With better companies that you can choose from, the only questions that are asked about diabetes are this... Have you had or been diagnosed with insulin shock? Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetic coma? Have you ever had an amputation due to complications of diabetes?

Those are the only three questions that you have to answer with some companies.

My Recommendation: If you have type II diabetes, the best way to obtain the best life insurance policy is going to be by being able to know what questions that each insurance company asks in regards to your disease. This can be done by using a life insurance comparison website that not only provides quotes, but also provides policy details and information that you can use to make a well-informed decision.

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